Nutrition Consultations

All nutritional consultations take place with Hannah Baker (Accredited Practising Dietitian). Hannah takes great pride in treating every client on an individual basis.

The suggestions, recommendations and goals that result from the consult will always be specifically suited to you, your requirements and your current health status.

8 Week Package

8 Week Package


This package is for those clients who feel ready to make a consistent effort to work towards their nutrition goals. The package includes four consultations in total, which ensures you stay on track to achieve constant results - be they related to healthy eating, weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain, improvement of gastrointestinal disturbances (eg: IBS) or otherwise.

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Initial Consultation


This 60 minute nutrition consultation will include an assessment of your current health status, a diet history, and the discussion of your desired goals. From this information, potential changes will be suggested and you will set sensible goals to begin your journey towards improved health and/or body composition.

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Follow-Up Consultation


This 30 minute consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss your progress following your initial consultation. The time will be spent either creating new goals, or developing better habits to help you succeed in your current nutritional challenges.
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